Posts tagged acupuncture
Acupuncture & Labor Prep

Acupuncture can be used to prepare for labor and natural “induction”. We have seen many pregnant women come into the clinic looking for natural ways to prepare for labor and are trying to decrease the risk of scheduled inductions, or C-Sections. This blog is to explain how Acupuncture can help with labor preparation, what are the benefits, what points are used, how we approach Labor preparation, and what we have seen in the clinic.

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Easing PMS, Naturally

Let us be real: The Premenstrual syndrome, PMS, has become a cultural norm in the Western world. Where monthly cravings for the salty, dark chocolate temporarily counteracts the irritable mood swings and the struggle to button those jeans over the bloated stomach are crampin’ the morning routine. For some, this emotional and physical discomfort brings a dreadful knowing their period is underway. The question is when will the period release the valve of this internal pressure? 

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Endometriosis, Infertility, & Chinese Medicine

Endometriosis is becoming more prevalent, effecting about 5 to 7 million women within the United States.  What exactly is Endometriosis?  Endometriosis occurs when the endometrium tissue lining our uterus is located in abnormal places and cannot be properly released during our menses.  Chinese Medicine can treat infertility caused by Endometriosis, which contributes to 30-40% of infertility in women. 

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Easing Panic Attacks, Naturally

Panic Attacks may feel like the world is crushing on your chest, or having a heart attack; but there are ways to ease their intensity, how often they happen, and gain back power in one’s breath.

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