There was an interesting case study reported in how Cupping can be effective for mastitis pain relief for breastfeeding mothers (1). We all know breastfeeding is a learned skilled, needing ample community support and encouragement. Mastitis sometimes becomes part of the breastfeeding journey and needs to be treated quickly before becoming a larger problem. Fire cupping is a simple and effective tool to be used to help pulling out the clog and open the milk ducts. To explore this treatment option for mastitis, let us review what we are looking in “What is Mastitis?’”, “What are the symptoms?”, “What are the causes?”, and “How Fire Cupping and other Traditional Chinese Medicine tools can help?”

According to Mayo Clinic, “Mastitis is an inflammation of breast tissue that sometimes involves an infection. The inflammation results in breast pain, swelling, warmth and redness alongside possible fever and chills” (2). Mastitis is common in breastfeeding women known as “lactation Mastitis”. Most the time, mastitis creeps up upon a new mom because it causes the feeling of run down and lethargic due to the infection and immune response. Mastitis is quite painful and tender near and around the infection side, which leads to the natural urge to want to get rid of it. Most moms with Mastitis do not want to nurse when there is so much pain and sensitivity, but continued nursing, warm compresses, and expression of the milk on the affected side will provide a quicker recovery for Mastitis.

Here is a summary of the symptoms for Mastitis:

  • Breast tenderness or warmth to the touch

  • Breast swelling

  • Thickening of breast tissue, or a breast lump

  • Pain or a burning sensation continuously or while breast-feeding

  • Skin redness, often in a wedge-shaped pattern

  • Generally feeling ill

  • Fever of 101 F (38.3 C) or greater (2).

The common causes of Mastitis are a clogged milk duct, which causes milk to be backed up and creates stagnation. This stagnation leads to an opportunity for an infection. Another cause is bacteria from the mother’s skin and baby’s saliva entering the milk duct opening that maybe cracked. The factors increasing the chance for mastitis include tongue-tie restriction causing cracked and bleeding nipples, tight and restrictive bras, stress, fatigue leading to misalignment in nursing positions, and smoking (2).

Some home solutions to optimize breast health while breastfeeding include keeping breast tissue dry and clean, moisten with Calendula salve/Linoleum on nipples, different/reclining breastfeeding positions, tongue tie revisions if needed for baby (get these done ASAP for your mental and physical health), consistent feedings (feed baby on demand), warmth such as hot showers/compresses, massage the breast tissue before and during nursing, side lie nursing when tired (they are a Godsend for the first 6 months!), and eat whole foods consistently (high fat/protein/whole carb ratios).

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has been around for thousands of years, so they have had time to play and refine their medicine for Women’s Health. Mastitis can be treated with Fire Cupping, Acupuncture, and Herbal Medicine. Let us talk about Fire Cupping. Trust me, it sounds much safer and cooler than it sounds. Remember seeing those cupping marks on athletes on the Olympics? Well, cupping is using a cup with suction to gently pull up the skin and superficial muscle layers. It has many treatment properties. There are many forms of cupping, but Fire cupping is what is effective to pull out a clogged duct. The Fire cupping is when you use a sterilized glass cup, wipe it with alcohol, placed quickly over a fire source (away from the body and controlled), the temperature is tested on the provider’s wrist, and then, quickly and gently placed on the area needed. In this case, it would be placed gently over the breast tissue and nipple to pull out the clogged duct. Light cupping can be used to move the clogged duct in the breast tissue as well. I would have the mom pop off the cup once they feel ready; which can be 2 to 5 minutes depending on comfort level. The milk should pull out into the cup and there would be towels to help keep it clean. I would encourage nursing after the cupping session and use some Acupuncture to clear out the toxic heat (infection) and support the immune system response. Herbal Medicine is cardinal for internal medicine and can be safely prescribed to help fight the infection.

Recently, I personally experienced a clogged duct on the borderline of Mastitis. It was quite uncomfortable mixed with fatigue, slight fever, and painful on nursing. I tried the plastic suction cups I have at home for the kids and the cup kept sliding off. When I used the Fire cupping with glass cups, it pulled that milk clog right out. I followed up with nursing frequently and dangle nursing position. You notice an immediate release and feeling of flowing instead of stagnation and blockage.

I hope this information provided some insight on the possibilities of treating Mastitis and Clogged ducts. If you are needing support, feel free to reach out at 480.690.8933!


  1. “Davies, Deb, DACM, L.Ac., “Fire Cupping for Mastitis: A case study in effective pain relief for breastfeeding new mothers”. Acupuncture and Integrative Medicine. Spring 2022.

  2. Mayo Clinic. “Mastitis”. July 2020. <Mastitis – Symptoms and causes – Mayo Clinic>

  3. American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of the American psychological association (6th ed). Washington, D.C.., American Psychological Association.