September is P.C.O.S. Awareness Month!  We will be sharing some tips on how to navigate managing PCOS, naturally, for healthier periods, regulate ovulation, improved digestion and metabolism, and supporting fertility.

Often women diagnosed with P.C.O.S. may experience Painful Periods known as Dysmenorrhea, or Painful ovulation.  This is because the eggs, the ovum, within our ovaries are trying to mature and develop.  With PCOS, the follicles have a challenging time developing, which lead to cysts on the ovaries.  This happens for many reasons unique to the woman, herself.  Whether it is genetics, prolonged stress levels, imbalance of hormones, insulin resistance effecting gut health and later hormone development, PCOS is both a hormonal and metabolic syndrome.

The hormonal imbalances may include LH (luteinizing hormone), FSH (follicle stimulating hormone), Estrogen (the active form of estradiol), testosterone (Free and Total Testosterone), DHEA-s, Androsteridione, Progesterone, glucose levels (blood sugar), and more.  For ovulation and period health, comparing the levels of LH, FSH, Estrogen, Progesterone, and Testosterone are important.    What is LH (Luteinizing hormone) and FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone)?  FSH helps stimulate the follicles in our ovaries to develop and mature.  FSH increases after bleeding stops and has the ovaries produce estrogen during the 1st half of our monthly cycle known as the Follicular Phase.  FSH usually reaches its peak at the end of the Follicular phase just before the transition phase of Ovulation.  LH will increase 24 hours before ovulation because it is the hormone that stimulates the release of the egg from the ovaries to the fallopian tubes.  In Lab work, the LH:FSH ratio can be within “normal range” but may be disproportioned to one another.

With PCOS, LH may show 2-3 times higher than FSH.  The higher levels of LH can create the impression of ovulation but the follicle may not be mature enough to be released.  Sometimes the LH maybe high multiple of times, trying to stimulate ovulation, leading to painful cramping during ovulation.  If the follicle is not mature enough, it will not be released properly and may not breakdown completely leading to cyst on the ovaries.  Why? Because the higher LH levels needs to decrease after ovulation for the corpus luteum to breakdown and release progesterone.  No ovulation, no progesterone will be produced.

In TCM Gynecology, painful ovulation is due to cold accumulation in the body.  If you touch your abdomen below the belly button and on the sides; you may feel cold if you have painful ovulation and painful periods.  The “accumulation of cold’ has to do to with lowered activity of ovulation and a decrease of progesterone not being made by the ovaries because of the LH imbalances.

The position of the uterus is important for period and ovulation health.  The center uterus would be 2 finger widths below the belly button and equal distance on each side.  Someone trained in Mayan Abdominal Massage can help assess the position of your uterus through your abdomen and move it to the optimal position.  Painful ovulation may happen with the uterus being out of position, leaning towards one side of the hip, or the other.  Sometimes high levels of stress can lead the Psoas and hip flexor muscles can tighten and pull on the hips, pulling on the ovary ligaments out of place.  This tightness can decrease blood and lymph flow to the uterus creating a sense of coldness.

The treatment goal for easing ovulation pain and regulating ovulation would be:

1.       Check position of the uterus and do self-abdominal massage to realign, loose the tightness on the ovaries, and increase circulation

2.       Warm tea daily with one of the following: Ginger, Rosemary, Allspice, Chamomile

3.       Moxa below the belly button and lower pelvis to increase warmth, circulation, and release the tissues

4.       Warm foot bath with Epsom salt and herbs to improve circulation

5.       Avoid walking on cold surfaces such as tile and hardwood floors in the winter and AC environments.  Wear socks, or have area rugs.

6.       Stretching and Yoga.  TRE Psoas release on Youtube helps release the stress and trauma energy the hip flexor muscles hold.  This will help lower back pain, hip pain, and lower pelvic floor pain.

7.       Acupuncture with E-stim will help with balancing hormones, improve circulation of blood and lymph, improve ovulation, decrease pain, and more.

Thriving with Eastern Medicine & Acupuncture specialize in Reproductive and Digestive Health.  Our Acupuncturist, Danielle Dickshinski L.Ac., is Licensed in Acupuncture, trained in herbal formulation for warming teas, and trained in Mayan Abdominal Massage.