At some point in their reproductive years, women will experience at least one painful period.  For many with PCOS, Endometriosis, and Pelvic Inflammatory Disorder, severe cramping and painful periods may be the norm.  Teenage girls are experiencing an increase in painful periods, where they are missing school.

There are many causes of painful periods such as uterus is in the wrong position, increase inflammation in gut health and hormonal health, endometrial tissue growing outside of the uterus and contracting during the period, trauma/injury to the pelvic floor, and more.

There are 2 needs to treat periods cramps: immediate relief and long term period health relief.

For immediate (same day) painful period cramp relief, here are some natural tips:

  • Mag Phos Homeopathic Remedy: follow directions on the bottle.

  • Magnesium Glycinate at night 250-500 mg

  • Mag Calm is a great brand to use to help ease muscle contracting.

  • Cramp Bark tea, or herbal extract, helps sooth painful cramping.  Take 1-2 droperfuls 2-3 times per day on Day 1 to 2 of your cycle, or as needed.Warm Rice bag, or hot water bottle, to ease the cramping

  • Rest.  It is normal for the need to rest and be a slightly tired right before and during the first few days of bleeding

  • Tea: warm tea such as Mango, All spice, Ginger, or Chamomile

  • Vitamin B6, B3 will help with painful cramping.

These tips are for managing period cramping as they are happening.

For Easing Painful Periods, Long-term:

  • Acupuncture helps balance hormones, calm inflammation, relax tension pulling on the uterus, and much more.

  • Whole Food Nutrition to decrease inflammation.  Consider a combination of Paleo and AIP nutrition, Autoimmune and Inflammation Protocol

  • Herbal Medicine: Female Herbal tonic either from Western Herbal blend (made in North American region), or TCM blend.

  • Position of uterus to optimize blood and qi flow.  This would be done through Mayan Abdominal Uterine Massage (all done through the abdomen fully clothed).

  • Stress management: chronic stress creates low grade inflammation. Walking, meditation, deep breathing, yoga, journaling are some suggestions. High stress can shutdown the balance of hormones.

  • Movement: Daily movement for at least 30 minutes a day throughout the month will help with decreasing painful periods.

Long-term healing for painful period cramps takes about 3 to 6 months because it gives enough time to learn new healing habits and show how the period flows the next cycle. Acupuncture consultations are available to help create a health plan to ease painful periods.