After 6 months of adjusting to the ever-changing nature of the COVID-19 pandemic and now living in a “Hot” zone in Arizona. We are going to go over the up-to-date symptoms of COVID-19, natural ways to support your immune system and decrease stress, and some herbal/supplement options to help yourself and your family if you do get COVID-19.

According to the CDC, symptoms can start to appear 2-14 days after being exposed to the virus. The symptoms of COVID-19 include:

  • Fever or chills

  • Cough

  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

  • Fatigue

  • Muscle or body aches

  • Headache

  • New loss of taste or smell

  • Sore throat

  • Congestion or runny nose

  • Nausea or vomiting

  • Diarrhea

We all know if one is experiencing these symptoms, one needs to quarantine. Yet, we are not being taught what can we do to support our immune system before, during, and after COVID-19? The range of symptoms differs from one person to another. Usually, the set of symptoms will effect the organ and tissue systems that have a tendencies to get injured. Every person has a different body type and constitution. Some are prone to digestive imbalances. Some are more prone to lung and respiratory imbalances. While others are affected in their muscle and joints. This virus is known as a novel virus because it is new to our human bodies and how it effects different body environments.

The immune system is our best line of defense when it is able to stay in balance. There are lifestyle habits that prime the foundation of health for the physical, immune system, and emotional/mental.

Basic Lifestyle Habits Supporting Immune Health:

  1. Optimal Vitamin D: There have been studies finding a relationship with lower vitamin levels and COVID-19.

    a. The best way to get vitamin D is going against the grain of society and getting our bodies outside, while exposing our 70% of skin for 20 to 30 minutes to the sun. Exposing our head, arms, legs, elbows, and hands for this time frame allows for 20,000 IUs of vitamin to be stored in our skin. Did you know our skin absorbs rays from the sun and converts it to the active form of vitamin D?

    b. Supplement Vitamin D? We need to be cautious when supplementing vitamin D, if your lab work shows HIGH levels of vitamin D. The best way to know if supplementing the active form of vitamin D3 is to have your vitamin D levels check by blood work. If your numbers are LOW, or BELOW OPTIMAL, levels; then, it is best to supplement vitamin D 3. This can be done either by prescription from your doctor, which is usually 1 pill per week for 50,000 IUs; then, vitamin D levels are retested in 3 months to see how one is responding. The other source is supplements. The best source of supplements are sublingual tablets that melt under the tongue, or liquid vitamin D3 drops. It is important to follow the instructions on the supplement, or the guidance of your healthcare provider.

    c. Vitamin D: whole food sources: Fatty Fish: Tuna, Mackerel, Salmon, Beef liver, Cheese, Egg Yolks, Foods Fortified with Vitamin D (less Ideal)

  2. Breathing Practices: The BEST way to lower stress, supprt immune lung function, and improve oxygen levels is practicing breath-work. Why? The major complication of COVID-19 is its ability to attacked the lung tissue and lower oxygen (O2) levels. The reason people are going on ventilators is because of lower O2 levels. It is important for us to exercise our Lung health now and if we get COVID-19. There are MANY techniques. The most simple way to start is to stop and take controlled, deep breathing 3 times a day.

    a. How? Sit comfortably. Hold your hand to your heart (chest) and solar plexus (where your ribs meet). Inhale for 5 seconds (slowly), Hold your breath for 3 seconds, Exhale for 5 seconds (slowly). Repeat for 10 breaths, or longer.

    b. Qi Gong Lung Exercises. When one has been exposed to COVID-19, it is easy to want to lay in bed and rest. It is important to practice deep breathing and opening the lung exercises before and DURING this virus. It will be difficult to do and maybe painful trying to take deep breaths while experiencing shortness of breath. (If you have SOB and your oxygen levels are low, go see your doctor ASAP). Qi Gong are exercises using a sequence of position flowing with breath work with the intention of improving and strengthening qi levels. Qi means oxygen and gases crossing our tissues.

    1. ) How? Follow this link on Youtube:

  3. Boosting Vitamin A: Vitamin A helps with our first line of defense within our mucus layer. This layer starts at our nose and mouth and ends at our anus. The following foods are high in vitamin A: Winter squash, Sweet potatoes, Mango, Carrots, Cod Liver Oil, Eggs, Broccoli, Spinach, and dark, leafy greens.

  4. Mushrooms: Eating and supplementing with mushrooms help support the immune and modulate the cytokine storm. What is the cytokine storm? When the COVID-19 is found by our body through the immune cells, the immune system starts to respond. The first way of defense is releasing the cytokines, which are small proteins released by specific cells of the immune system. The cytokine storm happens in waves when we get sick. The first wave is fever, muscle weakness, and aches/pains. The second wave of cytokines starts to work towards the lungs causing SOB, fatigue with exertion, and cough. For some people, especially with pre-existing health conditions, the cytokine storms triggered by COVID-19 virus can cause some complications because the immune system is being overstimulated. a. Benefits of Mushrooms: immune support and modulating cytokines, rich in vitamins and minerals such as B, D, iron, copper, and selenium, high in antioxidants, anti-viral and anti-inflammatory.

    b. Types of Mushrooms: Mushrooms go beyond the portebella cooking. These include: Reishi, Chaga, Shiitake, Lion’s Mane, Corydceps, Maitake

    c. Forms of Mushrooms:

    1. )Fresh can be cooked such as shiitake, maitake, oyster mushrooms.

    2. ) Dried: made into teas, or dairy-free elixirs

    3. ) Powders: to cook with, added to hot water, added to coffee, or smoothies. There are many products out there. Make sure the mushrooms are organic and not mixed with fillers.

  5. Drink Herbal Infusions Daily to support immune system. Herbal infusions are the best way to get your daily vitamin and minerals because they are easy to make and easy to digest. Below you will find a list of herbs you can use for building the immune system and calming our stress levels.

    a. How to Make A Herbal Infusion: choose 1 herb in bulk form (dried or fresh), fill glass jar halfway with herb, fill jar to the top with hot water, let this steep for 4-6 hours. Strain out the herbs, drink the tea. Keep cool in the fridge and will be good for up to 1 week.

    b. Herbs to infuse: Nettle Leaf, Oatstraw, Red Clover, Hibiscus flower, Marshmellow Root

    c. Where to get herbal medicine? Local resources include:

    1. ) Take Your Vitamins: 323 S. Gilbert Rd, Ste 101, Gilbert, AZ 85296. Karen is the owner and very gifted in herbal and supplements. P:480-917-5655

    2. ) SWHerb Shop: 148 N Center St., Mesa, AZ 85201. P: 480-694-9931. The owners Kathy and Madeline are wonderful women, who are filled with knowledge and compassion.

  6. Herbs for Lung Health:

    a. ) Marshmellow Root made as an herbal infusion is mucilage (supports the mucus line of defense), anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and protects the lung tissue. It is also great for the digestive system.

    b.) Mullein leaf made as a herbal infusion helps with prolonged cough, treats upper respiratory imbalances, and is safe for children to take.

    c.) Elderberry helps with supporting the immune system. There are many forms of Elderberry: homemade syrup, gummies, and commercial brand syrup (look at Sprout’s).

    d.) St.John’s Wort: take as a herbal extract. This is an antiviral. Caution: DO NOT TAKE with any anti-depressants, anti-psychotics, or anti-anxiety medication because it interacts with them.

    e.) Echinacea: herbal extract. Helps get rid of bacterial infections and build up your immune defense.

    f.) Usnea Lichen: take as a herbal extract. Usnea helps support the lungs down to the alveoli. The alveoli is where our blood absorbs oxygen (inhaled) and release carbon dioxide (exhaled). This is the area where the COVID-19 virus inflammes and affects the lungs.

7. Adaptogenic Herbs help us adapt to stress. One way, or another, this pandemic has placed enormous amount of stress upon individuals and families. Having high levels of stress can weaken the immune system. The best way to lower our stress levels include breathing exercises, exercising, FRESH AIR, good sleep hygiene, whole food nutrition, and adaptogenic herbs. These herbs can be used for 1-3 months, one at a time. The best way to support our adrenal health and stress levels is to keep it simple. One adaptogenic herb at a time. One can find these herbs as herbal extracts at Sprout’s, the herbal shops listed above, or make your own. Some herbal options include: Ashwaganda, Astragulus Root, Rhodiola, Cordeceps (Mushrooms), Schisandra Berry, and more.

8. Nasal Herbal Steams: The COVID-19 virus does not like heat. Remember when you were sick and your mom had you inhale hot steam over a bowl, while covering your head with a blanket? Nasal steam is the same idea. Boiling distilled water, added some antiviral herbs to it, let it steep for 1-3 minutes, lean over it (caution hot), and make a tent over yourself with a blanket. Inhale the steam for 10 to 15 minutes. This practice will open the sinuses, kill heat intolerant virus, and help manage sinus allergies. We have nasal steam with anti-viral herbs available at the office.

9. TCM Herbal Medicine can be used to support lung and immune health before, during the mild stages of COVID-19, and after during the recovery phase. It has not been determined if herbal medicine can help with moderate to severe stages of COVID-19 infection such as being placed on a ventilator.

TCM Herbal Medicine is a unique practice where the herbal formula is matched to the person’s body type and pattern of symptoms. It is not “I have this symptom; take this herb”. We have been using a range of herbal medicine to support immune compromised patients, help decrease anxiety, help improve breathing, help with shortness of breath, improving fatigue, and more.

Supporting Lung Formula, Andrographis formula, Jade Windscreen from Goldenflower, and Japanese Honeysuckle tea have been the clinic’s go to for support immune health.

Minor buplereum helps with the lingering nature of the sickness lasting for weeks and helps with fatigue.

For TCM herbal recommendations, we are accepting telehealth appointments for COVID-19 patients and can have the herbal formula mailed directly to their house.

10. Herbal and Supplement Protocol for COVID-19: This is the Culver Early Intervention Protocol

a. Bio vegetarian Supplement: 4 times a day for 7 days (taken orally)

b. Oregano oil gel caps: 4 times a day for 7 days (taken orally)

c. Vitamin D: 50,000 IU for 3 DAYS ONLY (taken orally)

Disclaimer: This is for information and educational purposes only. If you want to try some of these herbal medicine, it is highly recommended in seeing a Licensed Acupuncturist trained in Herbal medicine to find the right fit for your needs. If you are experiencing severe symptoms of COVID-19 such as shortness of breath, confusion, blue lips, fainting, get to the hospital ASAP. These symptoms from COVID-19 are not something to take lightly.

When it comes to supporting one’s immune health, there are lots of options. Take one lifestyle practice at a time and practice it until it becomes a habit. If one wants to stock up on some of the herbal recommendations, one only needs a few herbs to have on hand. Remember, to keep things simple. This pandemic is stressful enough. If anyone needs guidance on what herbs and herbal protocols is best for them; give us a call to schedule a herbal consultation (via telehealth) at 480.690.8933.

Thank you!

Danielle Dickshinski, L.Ac.

Licensed Acupuncturist and Herbalist