Is it hard to get those jeans on right before your period? Have you ever woke up and looked at the mirror and wonder, why is my stomach swollen and puffy? Sometimes, PMS bloating is crampin’ our style and may even cause some discomfort whether it is in our jean tightness, or cramping.

Why do we get bloating before our periods?
Bloating is common PMS, Premenstrual Syndrome, symptom that starts anywhere between 1 week to Day 1 of bleeding. In some women, bloating is worst 1-2 days before and on the 1st day of bleeding.

The bloating happens as a result from the changes in sex hormones because our progesterone and estrogen levels usually drop before our cycle begins. The progesterone will decrease and causes the uterus to shed its lining causing menstrual bleeding. The decrease in both progesterone and estrogen levels will cause the body to retain more water and salt. The cells within the body will become swollen with water, creating the feeling of bloating.

2011 study found that women retained most water and experienced the worst bloating on the first day of their period.

Chinese Medicine Reason for Bloating:

In TCM, Traditional Chinese Medicine, bloating is caused by an imbalance of 3 organs: the Stomach, Spleen (plus pancreas), Liver.  The Spleen and Stomach are the main organs for digestion for proper breaking down food and liquids ingested and absorption of nutrients essential to health.  If the Spleen and Stomach are imbalanced; then, this can lead to stagnation of qi.  Remember, qi are the gases such as oxygen, hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide run across the cells to create health.  Qi stagnation means there is lack of movement of these gases, possible undigested food, and decrease flow of nutrients in the blood leading to gas, bloating, sluggish feeling, decreased appetite, and cramping from gas.

The liver is another important organ for period and digestive health.  The Liver controls the qi and blood.  It is our energy store house, produces our energy levels, filters the blood of excess toxins and hormones no longer needed, and much more.  When the Liver is sluggish and congested, increase bloating before and during day 1 of the period is common.
Bloating Solutions:

  • Whole Food: Minerals needed to balance water metabolism in our bodies are potassium, calcium, magnesium, and vitamin C. These serve as natural diuretics which help us pee out the excess water our bodies are holding.

    • Eat more of these foods 1-2 weeks BEFORE your period

    • Bananas

    • Fennel seed tea: great for digestive and period bloating

    • tomatoes

    • celery: start with small doses if juicing organic celery

    • watercress

    • watermelon

    • citrus foods: lemon, organs, clementines, tangelos, grapefrui

  • Avoid

    • Latte, sugary drinks: sugary drinks increase bloating

    • Diet soda

    • carbonated beverages: increase bloating and cause dehydration

    • Too much salt such as increasing salt in cooking, watch salt added when eating out, and chips. Salt causes water retention= more bloating

  • Do Drink:

    • Lemon water

    • Green tea with some caffeine helps serve as a dieuretic and decrease water weight

    • Fennel tea

  • Acupressure: Zigongxue is located 4 finger widths from the side of the belly button and 4 finger widths down. Press this area for 2-3 minutes on each side

Try these suggestions for 2 cycles (2 months) to see if any bloating during PMS decreases. Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine customize to your needs is another option. Feel free to book online at

Zigongxue is an excellent point for bloating, regulating periods, cramping, tightness during ovulation, and many more!

Zigongxue is an excellent point for bloating, regulating periods, cramping, tightness during ovulation, and many more!