From PMS to PCOS to Infertility, we learn all about the ways our periods, cycles, and hormones can be wrong, but it seems to be lack of knowledge on what is a healthy period? What does a healthy period look like and feel like? How do we know if our cycles are at their most optimal health? What does the period reflect in the inner health for the woman?

To empower ourselves as women, we need to understand what is healthy for ourselves. This way if our cycles starts to move towards imbalance, we can nurture ourselves back into our center. Understanding how our monthly cycles helps us understand our inner world.

What is a healthy period?

  • Regular, monthly cycle every 28-32 days

    • Irregular periods has many causes. The inner lining of our uterus known as the endometrium is the red layer and jelly like tissue we bleed out. This needs to be cleansed out monthly and our wombs know how to do just that.

  • Bleed (Menses): for 4 to 7 Days: Some women bleed for 3-4 days, skip a day; then, finish off. Some bleed for 6 days; then, finish off on the last day. Every cycle is unique. As long as it is consistent and no less than 3-4 days bleeding.

  • Flow is Light, heavy (Day 1-3ish), moderate, and light

    • It is normal to have a light rusty, brown color in the beginning and end of your period. This the start and finish off of the menses. Too much brown can mean lower progesterone levels.

  • None to Light Cramping during day 1-2 of period.

    • The cramping is from the “pinching off” of the endometrial lining of our uterus.

  • Color of Blood is Bright Red to slightly dark red, smooth in texture with little to no clots.

    • The smoother the texture and less clots the blood has; the smoother one’s mood. Chinese Medicine explains how clots mean either Liver qi stagnation such as stress, or blood stasis, meaning tension is constricting optimal flow to the uterus.

  • Clots are smaller than a quarter

    • Optimal is smaller than a dime.

  • Mood: it is normal to be slightly irritable, have lower energy, be more introverted and want to retreat within yourself, needing more rest.

  • Mild Cravings are normal for either sweet, savory, or salty

    • Sweet cravings mean the Spleen needs nourishment because the serotonin (feel good hormone) decreases as our hormones drop right before Day 1 of our menses. The Spleen loves sweets so indulge in a small, dark chocolate. During weeks 1 to 3, increase protein, yellow/orange colored foods, whole grains such as quinoa, millet, amarnath, teff, and buckwheat, and fruit.

    • Salty cravings mean the Kidneys and adrenals need some love. Salty flavored food such sardines, carpers, and the occasional chips are good to quench the salty flavor. Try eating more kidney and mung beans, black colored fruits and vegetables during weeks 1-3. Avoid increase salt and heavily, salty foods 1 week before your period because it can cause bloating, which increases cramping and discomfort.

    Feel free to print this chart “What is Healthy Period” to place on your fridge to learn more about your cycle. Stay tuned for our next blog post on PMS and how PMS is the truth serum to our inner, emotional world.