In Chinese Medicine, the foundation of health can start from two locations: the gut health, and the kidney/adrenal health.  Both surround the “center” of ourselves creating a synchronistic relationship in maintaining our overall well-being.

How?  Well, we all know about how important gut health plays a role in nutrients to give the building blocks of energy, how it works synergistically with the brain to support mental abilities and nourish our emotional health.  Do we know the weight of importance the Kidneys and adrenal glands play within our bodies?  There is a basic understanding how the Kidneys are these kidney-shaped organs, on both sides of the abdomen, assisting with filtering waste and balancing water metabolism.  The functions of the kidneys are to regulate water metabolism by filtering the blood to decipher which ingredients will stay and which ones will be filtered out.  This can be applied to our calcium levels, potassium, electrolyte balance, and more.

The adrenal glands are triangle shaped glands sitting on top of each kidney.  The adrenal glands are part of the hormonal system known as the Endocrine system, which relays constant communication in supporting the body to maintain balance, known as homeostasis.  How could these little glands contribute to our overall health?  These glands help make hormones to support the body to control blood sugar, known as glucose, use up protein and fat reserves as needed for energy, control responding to stress by releasing cortisol when needed, regulate blood pressure, and maintain sex hormones.

In Chinese Medicine, there are multiple layers related to each organ on a physical, emotional, and mental aspect.  One important questions to ask ourselves is “How can the Kidney and adrenal health be affected, how does it affect the body, and what are some preventative measures to enhance our foundational health?”

1.       Kidney are the storehouse of reserves for energy.

Have you ever experience “burn-out”, or “adrenal fatigue”?  Adrenal fatigue occurs after a prolonged period-of-time of under high stress.  When the body is under constant fight-flight-freeze mode of survival, the levels of cortisol are constantly being used without time to replenish.  This can lead to burnout and have the person feeling as if they are running on fumes.

How to prevent, or reverse burn-out?  Stop draining the energy.  Learn methods of self-pacing and conservation of energy by listening to your body to rest as needed, eat healthy, warm foods, moving gently in the winter, and practice a form of de-stress method such as breathing techniques, yoga, qi gong, and other meditations.  There are other ways to come back from adrenal burnout and this topic will be covered in another article.

2.       Kidneys control the ears.  Any changes in hearing, tinnitus (ringing of the ear), or continual ear infections?  It may be time to look at the Kidney and adrenal health.  How can one enhance through hearing health?

Rub your ears for several minutes a day to massage and strengthen the kidney function.

Acupuncture, herbal medicine, and nutrition may be helpful in restoring levels of hearing, decrease ringing, and clear ear infections.  Yes, it is great for treating children with constant ear infections alongside nutritional and chiropractic care.

3.       Kidneys control the bone health.  The bones are related to the kidneys as certain chemicals that are returned to the body, or communicated with the adrenal glands, can affect the bone tissue.  Any imbalances such as osteoporosis, dental issues, or developmental issues need to have a focus on treating the kidneys when treating from an Eastern Medicine perspective.

Ways to maintain bone strength: deep, leafy green vegetables and whole foods enriched with Calcium and other trace minerals, weight-bearing exercise, stomping your feet slowly for 5 minutes each day helps active the Kidney channel.

4.       Kidneys are related to the emotion of Fear, or fright.  Constant fear will keep one in a survival mode of fight-flight-freeze, which will eventually burn out the adrenals and deplete the Kidney energy reserves.  If one is struggling with anxiety, panic attacks, predominant fear; these are signs to keep an eye out of for.

5.       Kidneys are associated with the flavor of salt.  If you craving salt; then, go ahead and have a salty snack in moderation.  Some foods to consider: seafood, beans, bone soup, capers.

Winter is a time for hibernation, going inward, reserving and building our energy, and nourishing ourselves.  Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, and Nutrition work well as a stand-alone, or complementary to Allopathic medicine, to support adrenal and kidney health alongside de-stressing and breaking away from the chains of fear.

Thank you!

All the Best,

Danielle Dickshinski, L.Ac.